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Universe Starts Tonight

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 02/10/2009 08:27 PM


Stargate Universe starts tonight in the States!

Thanks to the wonder of the Internet, we should be seeing it not long after.

Lets hope that the new Stargate meets Battlestar Galactica formula works. The trailer has me quite excited (interestingly, it hasn't appealed to the rest of my family). We'll have to wait and see how it goes...

Comments: 1


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Sat 03/10/2009 07:02 PM

Heh, need to watch SG1 and Atlantis still... Haven't made a lot of progress recently. This one does definitely interest me, but I'm not sure I'll be watching it straight out.

Also, due to the writer's strike, you realise that we're about 1 week behind at the moment, and that's it? Kind of impressive, but then again, that would require actually watching TV at the time its on, and then you don't get to watch it again, so I continue the same old system.