The Viking Invasion of Church Camp...Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 09/03/2009 10:23 PM
Well - I’m back!
The secret is out - that little helmet thing in the previous photos was not my costume for Church Camp. I was indeed going as a Viking - but a much better one. And I was telling no one...
That’s also a large part of the reason I’ve been so busy the last week. Tim’s been the mastermind behind the helmet, and I’ve spent a large amount of time at his place working on it - while trying to get everything else organized too.
Normally I wouldn’t bother - or at least not put much effort in - but I’ve wanted a Viking costume for a while now, so I went all out (as much as I can anyway).
Klutz went as a templar - and Bradley was another Viking. He used my latex helmet and shoulder pads. They didn’t look right on me - and besides, Vikings never actually had horns.
Now - as to my costume.
Mum is to thank for the cloak, the Geneva School Fair is to thank for the fur around the boots (slippers). I made the shield and the chainmail - and of course, Tim made the helmet.
Tim’s a brilliant sort of friend. When you are discussing helmets and things, he doesn’t just think about cardboard and paper mache - he goes and gets some steel and an oxy torch. Yep - the helmet is the real deal!
I helped somewhat.
But it’s defiantly Tim’s masterpiece.
It weighs a fair bit - but together with my shield and sword - it is actually serviceable. My shield isn’t terribly strong (mdf) and the sword is liable to shatter if you hit sometime hard enough - but the helmet is pretty much perfect. Ready to be worn into combat.
More on the sword in a later post.
Church camp itself was good - the talks were good and the time with friends was great - but it still sucks that it was on a long weekend.
And just to prove that we weren’t the only ones to get dressed up - here are a few more of the troops. There were adults too - but Turkey was taking the photos, and seems to have ignored them.
You can’t half tell that Clancy’s dad is a sign-writer. Check out that shield!
Anyway - that’s it for tonight. I’ll show you the sword in another post.
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