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The Turkey has landed...

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 10/09/2008 08:47 AM


Sorry about the lack of updates. This week has been busy and fun - as my mate Turkeybrain is up for the week. He's on holidays, and has decided (like Emma and Klutz before him) that my place is a great place to relax and do nothing.

Sadly I still have to go to work, but the evenings have been fun.

Last night I decided to show Turkey a map for Farcry I got from a friend. It's called Henry's Rally XXX. Imagine a very long very difficult road where you spend most of your time trying not to fall off cliff faces - that's about what this road is.

Farcry is a shooter, and normally you try and kill each other, but on this map the idea is to try and survive the road. I'm not sure anyone has ever made it yet - including Henry - who made it. This is epic!

If you fall off the road, chances are that you'll have to start again from the begining - which takes AGES.

Turkey blew his car up (while he was still in it) so I waited for him to start again and catch up - which took long enough that I was able to go and cook tea. Later on I fell off a cliff, which gave Turkey time to do the dishes while I caught up. Half an hour later, I crashed a hang-glider (one part of the road is a hang gliding challenge) and after that I gave up - it was too late at night to restart again. Turkey kept going for a lot longer, until he finally killed himself. 3 hours in, and we still haven't finished the road.

I think that's our challenge for tonight - try and make it to the finish.

Stay tuned....

Comments: 5


Comment: 1

Author: LittleSis
Date: Wed 10/09/2008 04:54 PM

Moose! you have such a useless expression on your face :  )



Comment: 2

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Wed 10/09/2008 06:09 PM

I was concentrating! It's an evil piece of road. And we're about to embark again...



Comment: 3

Author: raidersofdays
Date: Thu 11/09/2008 05:21 PM

Good luck on it guys, it can be frustrating sometimes but worth it at the end!



Comment: 4

Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 11/09/2008 05:31 PM

Our attempt last night proved unsuccessfull - but we haven't given up yet!



Comment: 5

Author: omnimors
Date: Thu 11/09/2008 08:05 PM

This thing must be epic! 

I hope you are able to conquer it.