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The Bad News.....

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 29/08/2008 09:49 PM


It's official.

Stargate Atlantis is being canceled.

They get to complete this series, but that's it. After that it's only dvd movies like SG1 has been reduced to.

This is dreadfull news for fans like me. Atlantis is still going strong. It's still bringing in the viewers too - or so all the websites say. Not sure why Sci-Fi decided to pull it.

They have promised at least one movie to wrap things up though - and a third Stargate series (Stargate Universe) has also been green-lit.

Following in the likes of Firefly, Farscape, SG1, and the original Star Trek - Atlantis is being killed before it's due.

Tis the end of another era.....

Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: bennyling
Date: Sat 30/08/2008 08:01 AM

Well, that sucks.

Nay, what sucks more is that we have to wait ONE WEEK between episodes of Season 5 - meaning the last episode of season 5 is aired December 19.

Hurry up, please.



Comment: 2

Author: Nifen
Date: Sun 31/08/2008 10:29 AM

I believe this is because everyone in america wants, mass murder mass murder mass murder in a hotel, mass murder in the basement, mass murder of children, mass murder of "i know what you did last summer" and mass murder of anything else they can brain wash the americans into buying more guns.


No Sci fi to be found in the last couple years. Everything has to do with Horror which i'm sooooooooooooooooo over.

At least Fringe might be ok. First episode was good, but it reminds me more of the X files, rather then a out of space war like star trek. Gosh i miss those days. Actually feeling like your not stuck on 1 silly planet which wants to build stupid pulp mills and destroy small countries with large nukes.

And a country with more obese people then stars in all solar system.