RA3 Trailer!Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 20/08/2008 09:27 PM
All hail!
A trailer for Red Alert 3 is finally out - and I dont mean gameplay (thats been out of a while) - this is the FMV trailer - the live acting part of the game.
Command and Conquer has always had live action FMV - which sets it apart from the more common CG clips, and the dreaded in-game movies (uses the same engine as the actual gameplay).
Once again - it's rather over-the-top, but we've come to expect that from Comand and Conquer.
It looks good - with overtones of the first RA game and the mission to remove Hitler from time - which cause the whole Red Alert universe to split from our normal timestream. Not sure what the Russians are planning to do with their time machine - but it's enough to get me rather excited.
The Empire of the rising Sun feature too - but I'm not sure if bringing in a third faction was the smartest move. Hopefully it dosn't mean we'll have another disjointed 2-part story like we did in Tib Wars. Instead of one long campaign, we basically ended up with 2 short and unsatisfying campains in TW. Lets hope EA have learnt from their mistakes - but then again, it is EA we're talking about.
There is hope though - EA have brought back Frank Kerplank to do the music for this one. At least the music should rock....
While EA get the real HD trailer sorted (it crashed the server I think), here's a youtube link for you.
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