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Game recommendations...

Author: omnimors
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 01:37 AM

So I'm in the market for a new game, but I have a few hangups:

First, I'm fairly strapped for cash.  I don't want to spend more than $20.  Second, I have an onboard integrated graphics card.  I can't even play Lego Star Wars (it requires a vid card that supports pixel shaders).  Third, I only have 15-30 minute increments to play, so the game needs to have instant saves or very often save points.  Fourth, it needs to be "family friendly" as I have a family. 

Basically, I'm looking for a game that I can play in the little downtime I have.  It'll also have to be an older game, since my computer isn't up to modern day specs.  I just got done playing a free JRPG that I downloaded called Last Scenario.  It was a good game and it took a little over two months to complete, ~40-50 hours of total gameplay. 

I'm not really into FPS (not family friendly), and I've played all but the most recent iteration of C&C series to boredom, but other RTS's wouldn't be bad.  I also enjoy a well made RPG or adventure game too. 

Let me know your opinions and recommendations.   

Replies: 12


Reply: 1

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 09:23 AM

I'll have to have a bit of a think about this and get back to you.

Do you prefer a sort of fun game that you can play and enjoy without really thinking too hard about - or one with a deep story that gets you hooked and dying for more?



Reply: 2

Author: omnimors
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 10:02 AM

I'd prefer one that is fun and engaging, but not overly addictive.  I found one game that meets all but one of my criteria (it's not family friendly):  Diablo 2.  I'm also looking at Freelancer, but I haven't been able to determine its save system.  Most space sims don't allow you to save in midflight, so my time constraints prevent me from enjoying them. 

Anyway, I'd appreciate any suggestions.  So, take your time to think about it. 



Reply: 3

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 12:37 PM

I only played Diablo for about 5 minutes at a friends place. After playing some real RPG games - it was just a stupid click-fest.

Which aspect of the game classifies it as not family friendly? The violence? The magic? The dark theme?

I havent played it - but if I'm going to recommend other games, it would be usefull to know what's acceptable and what's not in your house.

Cheers, Rob



Reply: 4

Author: omnimors
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 01:36 PM

I understand what you mean about Diablo.  It is a click-fest, but it's still a fairly enjoyable game.  I classify it as not family friendly because of the overtly demonic aspect.  I used not to be bothered as much by it, but with a wife and daughter it's not something I'm fond of. 

So, I don't like overt, intentional violence (as opposed to military violence in C&C), very foul language, or demonic themes.  Magic and sci-fi or military violence don't bother me as much for some odd reason.  I do enjoy sci-fi themes (e.g. Star Wars, Star Trek, Maelstrom), so that's why I mentioned the Freelancer game. 
I may be asking for something that just doesn't exist, but it's still worth a shot.  Thanks for taking the time to think about it. 



Reply: 5

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 02:15 PM

I understand about the demonic thing. Games like Baulders Gate and Warcraft 3 have similar issues. Otherwise they are good games. In fact - I still havent found a game that's a better RPG than Baulder's Gate. It leaves Diablo for dead.

Freelancer is a decent space fighter. You spend a lot of time dog-fighting and things - and it's pretty good if you enjoy that sort of thing. Unfourtuantly when you land and start talking to characters you'll notice that they all say exactly the same things - which gets old pretty quickly.

There's games like Imperium Galactica 2. It's fairly old now - but still looks pretty good. It's quite a bit like Maelstrom - but with less story. You can instead capture other planets and expand your empire. Highly addictive - which may or may not be a good thing. When you do attack planets - it switches to a Command and Conquer style ground battle - but with only the tanks your ships brought with them - so no base building during battles. But if you're not currently fighting, you can manage your planets and build different buildings and ships, and research a whole host of new weapons and things. You can also make alliances with other races - or enslave them.

As far as just a bit of fun though - I think the Flatout games are pretty close to perfect. You drive these old beat up cars flat out around some crazy tracks. They are just insanely fun.

The KOTOR games might play on your system too. They are the second best RPGs I've played - and are Star Wars games. There arnt any demonic parts of these games - but there is some dark sith stuff - so I dont know if that would be an issue or not. They are 3d RPGs, but actually manage to do it quite well - and have some great stories. And you dont need to worry about not having followed much of the expanded universe - because these games are set a millenia or so before the movies - so it's pretty self explanitory.

Apart from C&C and Warcraft - the next best RTS games I've played would be Starcraft and Total Annihilation. Both are very old these days - but still fun to play. TA is a fantastic LAN game - but the single player dosnt hold up as well.

And if you can track down a copy - the game NEVERHOOD is fantastic too. Its a puzzle solving game - but all done using claymation (think Wallace and Grommit). It was actually all filmed, and then turned into a game. A lot of fun - and a unique game as well. Not that I've finished the game - I eventually gave up - but it was fun while it lasted - and I want to find a copy somewhere too.

Most of the games I've mentioned are quite old (although KOTOR and Flatout are newer) so I'll keep thinking.



Reply: 6

Author: Nifen
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 08:20 PM

Total Annilaton
Hammer Head

Bubble Bobble
Need for speed Games (loads to choose from)
black and white
Sims 1,2 and something called like shipwrecked
Grand Theft Auto
Empire Earth series
Civilization Series
Doom 2 and 3
Quake Arena
Vampire The masquerade
Racing Frog online Game
Jedi knight
Jurassic park
Age Of empires
RollerCoster Tycoon
Star Craft
Pirates of the Caribbean
Zoo tycoon
Sim City 3000
System shock 2
Diablo 2
Dungeon Keeper
Grim Fandango
Hidden and dangerous 2
Worms Series
Sims 2 Pets
Myst Series
Oddworld Series
James Bond Night fire
Hexic Deluxe
Commander Keen

More will pop into my mind when i get back to Australia.
Another idea is to download ROM'S Just pick a Console, like Sega. And go to google and type in Sega Rom's. Should bring up loads. then look for Sega Emulator (just an example)

Good luck… Young Skywalker

Was going to post last night, but The internet i was using died. And i only managed to get it working this morning. (someone elses internet, who knows who. Had to restart there router, bad connection :S)




Reply: 7

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 28/11/2007 10:06 PM

Congrats Nifen - once again you dont read the thread before you post.

Shooters are out: So no Doom, Quake, Jedi Knight, System Shock etc.

Games with any sort of demonic overtones are out - Diablo was espically noted. Yet it's still in your list.

There are some great games in that list (Command Keen forever!) but a lot of them just dont meet the requirements.



Reply: 8

Author: omnimors
Date: Fri 30/11/2007 01:37 PM

I'm looking over your list Nifen.  Thanks for taking the time to put it all down. 

Your idea about emulators and ROMs is a great idea.  Unfortunately, most of the games that I would love to play (Zelda on the SNES) are still copyrighted.  I'll have to keep looking. 



Reply: 9

Author: Nifen
Date: Sat 01/12/2007 03:55 PM

hmmm no I read that, I wrote that list, before you posted about diablo, but my internet died when sending it, so i reposted the next morning.
No point rewriting it all, that took long enough.
Better then suggesting one game like diablo 2

Personaly i like Hexic, homeworld,   Grim Fandango, Rayman, any nearly any sim games. I guess i like most or all of those games, but those ones arn't harmful.
Check those out.

Also bubble bobble which is a great old game.



Reply: 10

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Wed 20/02/2008 06:17 PM

Uh.. hope its not 2 late, but Raptor is a good game. Its a fairly old arcade game that is really cool. You can only save between flights (coz its a flying game) but the levels are really short. You can do lots in 30 mins. Other than that, it fits your criteria perfectly.



Reply: 11

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Mon 25/02/2008 06:04 PM

I also suggest a game called FATE, if you can find it. You should try some strategy games, too.