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Can you barf on demand?

Author: jawapro
Date: Tue 04/09/2007 09:32 PM


Upgrade the speed of your internet connection so you can spend more time away from your computer with your family and friends.

Umm - right!

I´ve never seen that work. Generally the faster the interent, the more time you spend using it.

But that´s what a letter from Telstra I got recently claimed. If I upgraded my internet, I´d spend more time with my family.

Well - I doubt it´ll have that effect, but I just ordered my internet speed to be increased. From 512 to 1.5 (that´s 1500 for the noobs).

Of course, I´m not using Telstra. I´m an Internode customer. I finally convinced my Dad to swap too. He now pays about the same for 1.5 as he was paying for 256 at Telstra! He´s addicted to youtube, and watching youtube videos on 256k just isnt fun!

And after using his 1.5 on the weekend and finding out it only costs $10 extra a month, I´ve decided to switch myself.

In other news, I bought myself a laptop. I havent gotten it yet - otherwise there´d be photos. I bought it on ebay. I could have got it cheaper - but this seller looked safer. So hopefully I´m right.

And today is the first day since I started work that I´ve had to take some time off for being sick. I went to work this morning, but started to get a headache. That was bad enough, but I was stupid enough to be hungry as well and decide to eat some noodles that had been in the drawer since before I arrived and had a "best before" date for may 2006. I´m not sure if they were bad, or if it was just the headache, but I ended up haveing to go home cause I couldnt cope. So a few hours spent writhing in pain on the couch.

I get headaches occasionally like that. Eventually I get to the stage where I throw up, and then everything´s fine. So eventually I barfed out the window into a bucket, then slept for an hour, and then went back to work in time to take over from the other guy who had to go to the doctors. But he had postponed the doctor trip anyway, so I needent have bothered. Sometimes it´d be very useful to be able to throw up on cue - would save those few hours of pain in the mean time.

Apart from that, there´s not a whole lot to report.

Last weekend I went to a LAN at Trojen´s, which was great, but I forgot to take any photos. I was going to go to the movies to see the latest Bourne movie tonight, but seeing as I´d been sick, I decided not to.

And that´s about it for now. Just thought it was time to post about something other than my case mod. Which hasnt really progressed far since last time, other than a little painting and the purchase of a laptop.

Catch you next time!

Comments: 3


Comment: 1

Author: Nifen
Date: Wed 05/09/2007 10:19 AM

hmm actually technically its not actually 1.5

as you dont get that downloading. you´d maybe get something around is it errm 150 kb´s or something? i can´t remember.. I´m on 20 meg, thats 20,000 hahahahahahahahaha

but personally i´d go back to 1.5 if the connection was decent for gaming. But over here its shit as its cable and cable is crap as the more uses usesing it the slower it goes.

Anyway. im at this company´s site typing this on there server as i dont know what else to do, i´m expecting a call (apparently???? ) before leaving, soon i´ll give up and just leave, again a late night, always a late night, gosh im getting sick of this job!!

i dont mind been out and all, but there is a train strike on and i haven´t cooked dinner in almost a week, instead eating crap as i just dont feel up to it and now not getting home early enough.

what can i say about all this... well im bored. and busting to the toilet, as i dont want to take the phone in and then get a phone call. (not the first time, thats happened!)

Oh well, i know the feeling rob, get well soon matey... Im sick quite often here, when ever i get really really stressed i become unwell.

Soo relax, take a breather, quit your job if needed. (oh sorry talking about my self again) :)



Comment: 2

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 05/09/2007 10:20 AM

Fourtuantly with the headache things, I´m only crook for a few hours, and by the next day I´m perfectly fine again.

And I know how embaressing it can be to have your phone ring while you´re in the dunny! Happens to me sometimes too.

And I know Aussie internet speeds suck - but it´s the best we can get. 8mb is the top speed I can get here, but I cant be bothered paying the extra for the speed at the moment.

But surfing and downloading is all I do - I dont play online much. But an increase in speed would still be nice.



Comment: 3

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Sat 08/09/2007 07:48 PM

I only have 512kbps which runs at about 52kb/s which is OK. Gaming works OK on it, but nothing else can be using the connection or the ping gets insane! Hopefully I will be able to get 20MBPS very soon as we are connected to one of the major exchanges in Tassie, so that should be good. And my ISP has some great deals too! It was only last night my brother was telling me about it... Very nice deals!

And in case you are doing some research, I can´t throw up on cue. Unlike the little kid that appeared in Scrubs season 2 for a couple of episodes... Although I don´t think I would find it that useful either!

Glad to hear your better though...