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Dont like your country? - Buy a new one!!!

Author: jawapro
Date: Sun 21/01/2007 11:00 AM


Thats what the legendary pirating website (thepiratebay.org) is trying to do.

To get away from all those pesky copyright laws that makes a pirates life miserable, they are going to try and buy a small country.

And I do mean SMALL.

Its not even land. Its an old World War II Gun Platform off the coast of England. (It looks like an oil-rig)

Apparently it had 200 people on it during the war - or so one website said. I think that´s pretty rediculous - its tiny.

But is it really it´s own country? Well - the current owner says it is. He has even fired warning shots at British ships that have gotten too close.

But at the moment he is the only person living in the country of "Sealand".

And he wants to sell it - so the PirateBay wants to buy it and set it up as their headquaters.

Will they do it? Personally I doubt it - but it will definatly be interesting.

The PirateBay have already made a lot of trouble for the copyright world. They were sued and the ´good guys´ tried to shut them down - but it didnt work.

And because there was such an uproar about it in Sweaden (where it is currently based) they are now pretty safe - because any politician who got them shut down would probably find himself out of a job.

But if they owned their own country then they could do whatever they wanted.

I´ll keep you informed.

Comments: 7


Comment: 1

Author: Nifen
Date: Mon 22/01/2007 05:00 PM

I´m not sure if you notticed, but ISOHUNT got raided, and there site went down for about 4 days. Then they spent around 28 thousand on new servers and set up a new one in Canada. YEEEHAAA!! I wonder what they will do about power? or getting the signal about, I guess satalight, but that seems horribly slow, compared to how much is leached, But then again.. i guess a Torrent site, doesn´t store much, its just the link RIGHT?



Comment: 2

Author: Nifen
Date: Mon 22/01/2007 05:04 PM

HAHA, its called sealand. and its still got the gun on there. LOL. its HUGE gun. take out a ship or plain or something :)



Comment: 3

Author: Nifen
Date: Mon 22/01/2007 05:14 PM

The more I read about this, The more it seems real. This is actually a country, It is in international waters and britian built it illegally. Someone after the war. (whatever his name) found it and claimed it after the war. Apparently he´s done the same to many others around the world. small counties he´s found. And now is selling some of them. (will make a fortune.)



Comment: 4

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 22/01/2007 06:24 PM

I dont think this particular person has founded any more countries - he lives on this one. But he says its a country, and the British Government sort of agress with him. But not everyone does. See this website http://geography.about.com/od/politicalgeography/a/sealand.htm If you want to read about the country from the owners themselves then check out http://www.sealandgov.org/index.html I dount it will go ahead - but I think the Piratebay are serious.



Comment: 5

Author: jawapro
Date: Tue 23/01/2007 08:50 PM

What makes you think it still has the gun on it? I didnt see that when I was looking at information about it.



Comment: 6

Author: Nifen
Date: Mon 29/01/2007 08:55 AM

I googled the name of the country, and found loads of pictures. it still has a huge gun on it. It also has a crain thing for lowering the boat, but its different compared to the gun. I could see the side of it, and where you put the shells in and so on. thats all....



Comment: 7

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 29/01/2007 05:08 PM

Fair enough - I didnt see any sign of the gun when I was looking - I´ll have to have another look.