In need of a shed...Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 15/08/2011 10:59 AM
Sheds, sheds, sheds...
I’m losing my head,
For need of a shed,
Sheds, sheds, sheds...
If you’ve been paying any attention to this blog in the past few months, you couldn’t help but notice that I’ve bought myself a couple of old Nissans that need restoring.
Well - before that can start, I need a shed to work in.
Which sadly is much harder than it sounds.
The logical place to put a shed happens to be over council pipes, so I can’t build there.
So recently I’ve been playing with different sizes and locations - trying to find a place and size that will give me enough shed space, and not totally destroy the backyard, and still get council approval. It’s not so easy - or cheap.
I wish I lived in the country - where people just build sheds when they need them - this is far too much effort.
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