Axon again...Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 27/07/2009 10:55 PM
Every couple of months I post about the latest Axon LAN I've been too - and it's probably getting a little less interesting now - but I've just been to another one and really enjoyed it - so here's the post.
It was extremely well run this time - and we actually got 3 of the competitions out of the way the right side of midnight!
The first comp was Red Alert 3 - but sadly Nifen infantry rushed me, so I didn't last long. Still heaps of fun.
The second comp was Live For Speed - but I didn't bother. Never played it, so I'd have gotten pwned pretty seriously - and I was having heaps of fun playing DOTA and L4D with the Bishopsburne guys (and Nifen and Klutz).
The third comp was UT:GOTY! That's a classic PC game from 1999 - but is still heaps of fun. It was teams of 3 againts 3 - and once upon a time I would have done quite well, but I was pretty rusty and teamed up with equally rusty Martian Leader and Klutz - so we got trounced pretty quickly.
The comps were brilliant though - even if I sucked. Top marks to the Axon Admins.
^ Troglodyte Geeks like the dark...
There were a couple of power issues (happens when you try running that many PCs at once) but it wasn't too bad - except for one poor guy who's Acer monitor blew up when the power came back on. There was a loud unhealthy bang and fizz, and smoke crept out the top. So long monitor...
Someone else bought this classic laptop along too. I didn't look too hard, but it was probably a 386 era laptop - and was running a dos prompt. It also had the dubious honour of being the only monitor smaller than Klutz's desktop :)
All in all - one of the better Axons I've been too.
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